Etude et restauration d'une "Coupe au cavalier" iranienne (XIIe-XIIIe siècle) du Musée du Louvre : élaboration d'un guide à  l'usage des restaurateurs de céramiques afin d'optimiser leur demande auprès des laboratoires d'analyses

N° : 4093 application/pdf - 8,1 Mo - 189 page(s)

Résumé en langue(s) étrangère(s)

Examination and conservation of Cup with rider, an Iranian artefact of 12th – 13th century of the Musée du Louvre. Drawing up guidelines for conservators of ceramics for optimum requests in their dealings with laboratories. The subject of this investigation is a haft-rang bowl with characteristic frit body, opaque glaze and polychrome painting. Also called minai, this type of ceramic is the result of the stylistic and technical improvements of Iranian pottery at the end of the 12th century.
The bowl is a fake assembled from different sets of shards. It was probably put together at the beginning of the 20th century when Islamic art was being rediscovered and large private collections constituted.
Tests and analyses were conducted to understand the history and technical aspects of the artefact. Conservation aimed at singling out the authentic shards.
Guidelines were drawn up to help conservators make the best use of analytical resources in the field of ceramic conservation.


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Mougin, Carine, "Etude et restauration d'une "Coupe au cavalier" iranienne (XIIe-XIIIe siècle) du Musée du Louvre : élaboration d'un guide à  l'usage des restaurateurs de céramiques afin d'optimiser leur demande auprès des laboratoires d'analyses", Médiathèque numérique de l'Inp, consulté le 03 juillet 2024,

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