« D'or, d'argent et de pte noire : incrustations révélées. » Etude et conservation-restauration de cinq objets islamiques en alliage cuivreux incrustés, issus de la collection Piet-Lataudrie (période médiévale et XIXe siècle ; Niort, musée Bernard d'Ages…

N° : 3001 application/pdf - 28,7 Mo - 403 page(s)

Description / Résumé

Ce Mémoire porte sur l’étude et la conservation-restauration d’un lot de cinq objets en alliage cuivreux incrustés de la collection islamique Piet-Lataudrie du musée Bernard d’Agesci de Niort.

Les métaux incrustés islamiques sont des objets historiquement convoités, mais pas toujours bien étudiés ce qui pose problème pour leur compréhension et leur conservation-restauration. L’étude inédite de la coupe, la boîte, son couvercle, le brûle-parfum et le pichet propose une traversée de l’art de l’incrustation islamique, du XIIe au XVIe siècle au Proche Orient et dans le monde iranien jusqu’en France en passant par le milieu des grands collectionneurs parisiens.

Ces informations n’étaient plus lisibles sur les œuvres, modifiées par différents produits d’altération menaçant leur conservation. Le caractère composite des objets (alliages cuivreux, argent, or, pâte noire, incrustations colorées, alliage de plomb) et leur morphologie rendait leur nettoyage particulièrement complexe à appréhender et propice à une étude technico-scientifique. Nous avons exploré une piste prometteuse : le nettoyage chimique à l’aide de couples de complexant et d’inhibiteur de corrosion en gel rigide, ayant pu être en partie appliqué lors des interventions de conservation-restauration des œuvres. Les interventions ont essentiellement porté sur le nettoyage des objets, leur consolidation et leur protection, leur restituant identité et lisibilité.

Résumé en langue(s) étrangère(s)

Abstract : Five inlaid copper metalwork objects from the Piet-Lataudrie islamic collection belonging to the Bernard d’Agesci museum in Niort were studied for this master’s thesis research.

Islamic inlaid metalworks were sought-after, but not so much studied. This lack of knowledge can sometimes be an obstacle to their understanding and conservation. The previously unseen study of the cup, the box and its lid, the incense burner and the jug comes back to the inlaid working technique from the 12th to the 16th century ending in France passing through Parisian collections nets.

This information lost its legibility due to several degradations, which threaten the pieces’ conservation. Their composite materials (such as copper alloys, silver, gold, black material, coloured inlays and lead alloy) as well as their morphology made their cleaning difficult. This specific conservation process was studied through a scientific research. We studied the encouraging possibility of cleaning with stripping reagents combined with corrosion inhibitor in a rigid gel medium. It was partially applied for the objects cleaning, which was followed by consolidating and coating, making them identifiable and legible again.

Islamic inlaid metalworks were sought-after, but not so much studied. This lack of knowledge can sometimes be an obstacle to their understanding and conservation. The previously unseen study of the cup, the box and its lid, the incense burner and the jug comes back to the inlaid working technique from the 12th to the 16th century ending in France passing through Parisian collections nets.

This information lost its legibility due to several degradations, which threaten the pieces’ conservation. Their composite materials (such as copper alloys, silver, gold, black material, coloured inlays and lead alloy) as well as their morphology made their cleaning difficult. This specific conservation process was studied through a scientific research. We studied the encouraging possibility of cleaning with stripping reagents combined with corrosion inhibitor in a rigid gel medium. It was partially applied for the objects cleaning, which was followed by consolidating and coating, making them identifiable and legible again.


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Institution(s) prêteuse(s) / Institution(s) partenaire(s)

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Citer la ressource

Fays, Marie, "« D'or, d'argent et de pte noire : incrustations révélées. » Etude et conservation-restauration de cinq objets islamiques en alliage cuivreux incrustés, issus de la collection Piet-Lataudrie (période médiévale et XIXe siècle ; Niort, musée Bernard d'Ages…", Médiathèque numérique de l'Inp, consulté le 28 avril 2024, https://mediatheque-numerique.inp.fr/documentation-oeuvres/memoires-diplome-restaurateurs-patrimoine/dor-dargent-pte-noire-incrustations-revelees-etude-conservation-restauration-cinq-objets-islamiques-en-alliage-cuivreux-incrustes-issus

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