Etude et restauration d'un "Eros archer", marbre antique de la collection Borghese conservé au musée du Louvre : impact du moulage au silicone sur un marbre blanc
N° : 4240
- 8,4 Mo
- 206 page(s)
Description / Résumé
L'oeuvre est une réplique romaine en marbre d'un original en bronze attribué à Lysippe, portraitiste officiel d'Alexandre le Grand. L'oeuvre est issue de l'une des collections les plus prestigieuses de la Rome baroque, constituée en grande partie par le cardinal Scipion Borghèse (1576-1633), neveu du pape Paul V. Sa date d'acquisition par les Borghèse demeure cependant inconnue. La collection fut vendue à l'empereur Napoléon en 1807. Elle rejoignit alors le Musée du Louvre où elle fut exposée jusqu'en 1936. Les ailes, les avant-bras, l'arc, les chevilles, la base et le grand tronc sont des restaurations modernes probablement datées du XVIIIème siècle. La restauration de l'oeuvre comprenant son nettoyage, la suppression d'anciens joints vieillis et la restitution du placage a pris en compte son histoire passée en conservant les concrétions et les bouchages historiques. L'oeuvre peut donc être de nouveau exposée. L'étude de l'impact du moulage sur un marbre blanc, sujet de l'étude scientifique, a permis d'appliquer des méthodes variées pour compléter l'étude du matériau.
Résumé en langue(s) étrangère(s)
Examination and conservation of Eros with a bow, antique marble statue of the Borghese collection (Musée du Louvre). Investigation of the impact of silicone moulding on white marble.
The antique statue of Eros with a bow is one of the many Roman marble copies made from a bronze original by Lysippos, the official portraitist of Alexander the Great. The statue was part of the collection gathered by Scipio Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V, in the 17th century. The collection was acquired by Emperor Napoleon in 1807 and finally came to the Louvre where it was displayed until 1936. The wings, forearms, ankles, the bow and the basis of the great trunk are modern restorations made at an unknown date.
Conservation of the artefact, which included cleaning, the removal of old joints and the restoration of a coloured marble slab as the base, preserved historical additions and evidence of past history such as earth concretions.
During the process, the impact of silicone moulding on white marble was also investigated and gave better understanding of the material.
The antique statue of Eros with a bow is one of the many Roman marble copies made from a bronze original by Lysippos, the official portraitist of Alexander the Great. The statue was part of the collection gathered by Scipio Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V, in the 17th century. The collection was acquired by Emperor Napoleon in 1807 and finally came to the Louvre where it was displayed until 1936. The wings, forearms, ankles, the bow and the basis of the great trunk are modern restorations made at an unknown date.
Conservation of the artefact, which included cleaning, the removal of old joints and the restoration of a coloured marble slab as the base, preserved historical additions and evidence of past history such as earth concretions.
During the process, the impact of silicone moulding on white marble was also investigated and gave better understanding of the material.
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Citer la ressource
Perea, Renée, "Etude et restauration d'un "Eros archer", marbre antique de la collection Borghese conservé au musée du Louvre : impact du moulage au silicone sur un marbre blanc", Médiathèque numérique de l'Inp, 15 octobre 2002 (consulté le 14 mars 2025),
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