Etude et conservation-restauration d'Apollon archer, élément en plâtre du décor munumental de l'hôtel d'Etancourt à  Rouen (début du XVIIe siècle) conservé au Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen : recherche sur le collage structurel du plâtre

N° : 2854 application/pdf - 19,1 Mo - 212 page(s)

Résumé en langue(s) étrangère(s)

 The 17th century Apollon archer sculpture is one of four architectural plaster works that was detached from its original location on the façade of the Étancourt Hotel (Rouen) as a result of its bombardment during WWII, and since 1963 has been conserved in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen. The research carried out towards developing an appropriate conservation methodology considers the work from numerous points of view, such as its changing historical context (from its original ‘monumental’ role to that of museum object); the unusual nature of its primary material, plaster mixed with casein, which slowed down the setting time so that it could be used as a modeling material, while also increasing the plaster’s resistance by rendering it impermeable; and the detrimental effects of damaged incurred during the bombardment, its subsequent storage, and the restoration treatment of 1963. As a result of this preliminary study, the decision was taken to reverse the damaging effects of old repairs, necessitating research into selecting an adhesive compatible with the mechanical properties of the plaster. The intervention carried out involved the structural repair of the intact arm, removal of old and discoloured repair materials, consolidation of fragile areas, surface cleaning, elimination of black crusts, and reintegration of losses. An appropriate storage container was also developed and the study conducted to investigate adhesives is described in detail.


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Druilhe, Fabienne, "Etude et conservation-restauration d'Apollon archer, élément en plâtre du décor munumental de l'hôtel d'Etancourt à  Rouen (début du XVIIe siècle) conservé au Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen : recherche sur le collage structurel du plâtre", Médiathèque numérique de l'Inp, 15 octobre 2003 (consulté le 14 mars 2025),

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